Avon Zhao Assisted Haiti Client to Close Deal with Chinese supplier for Oil Refinery Equipment
Attorney Avon Zhao Assisted a Haiti Client Successfully in Purchasing Oil Refinery Equipment from China

Landing Shenzhen Law Office Lawyer Larry Zhou and Lawyer Avon Zhao accepted the engagement of Haiti client to provide legal services including but not limited to drafting contracts, visiting suppliers, verifying suppliers and negotiating with suppliers for the project of procurement and installation of oil refining projects.
After accepting the Haiti client's engagement, landing lawyers comprehensively understood the background and content of the transaction, carefully analyzed the client's requirements, issued a comprehensive and detailed report after visiting the supplier's office and factory, drafted and modified the purchase agreement based on the client's needs and in the best interest of the client, repeatedly negotiated and communicated with the supplier to modify the agreement. Finally the Haiti client and the supplier successfully signed the agreement. The client is very satisfied with our lawyer's services.

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